A Proactive Approach

When is the best time to hire an attorney? If you are asking the question the answer is NOW!

Need to Hire an Attorney?

The sooner you hire Proper Defense the better! As soon as you believe you may be suspected of violating a law, call Proper Defense. With proper legal advice, you may avoid the painstaking process of going through the criminal justice system altogether.

To better understand why you should hire an attorney early on, here is an explanation of the process of your case before it gets to court.


The initial investigation usually involves an interview (interrogation) with law enforcement. Making a statement to law enforcement can be tricky. Clients often think, “I am innocent so I will talk to the police.” However, this can lead one into trouble. The opposite stance, “I will remain silent,” may be just as detrimental. The best person to make the decision as to whether you should talk to law enforcement is an attorney. Sometimes talking will avoid charges and sometimes talking will make it worse. Don’t make the mistake of making this call on your own. We charge an hourly rate for a consultation of this sort. If you want us with you during the interview, we will be there and make sure that you do not answer a question that can hurt you.

You are not the only person who will be interviewed; law enforcement interviews all witnesses, retrieves evidence and has forensic tests conducted. Once they have gathered the evidence they will write up reports, documenting the evidence.

Submission to the District Attorney’s Office

Once the reports are written, the investigating law enforcement officer will provide all reports to the local District Attorney’s Office. There, the reports will be handed off to a Deputy District Attorney who will review the reports and make the determination as to whether charges should be filed, more investigation should be conducted, or the case should be rejected/turned down for prosecution.

This is another opportunity for Proper defense to reach out to the Deputy District Attorney reviewing the case and to discuss evidence of innocence or mitigation.

Additionally, we will keep up on your case and let you know as soon as it is filed. This ensures that you will not be driving down the road and get picked up for a warrant because you failed to appear at your first court hearing.

Let Proper defense take the stress of the unknown off of your shoulders and assist throughout the pre-filing process

call us today at (559) 825-3800
(424) 284-4066 - Beverly Hills