Hard Times Blog

A man reaching out for a handshake
Hiring a new employee is always an exciting time. It means your business is growing and most employers are eager to get the new employees off to a fast start. Before you bury them in assignments and meetings take the time to ensure that the following documentation is provided to and completed by the new...
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You’ve been charged with a crime you didn’t commit. You can’t wait to clear your name. It’s a ‘My Cousin Vinny’ scenario and it’s a classic movie for a reason. Having a surprise witness clear your name and ultimately hearing ‘not guilty’ in court as declared by 12 of your peers is every innocent person’s...
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Juvenile Delinquency
Approximately 90%. That’s the percentage of juvenile detainees who reported being exposed to at least one traumatic event, called adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). These experiences include abuse, neglect, mental illness, addiction, growing up in a neighborhood marked by poverty, and more. The more trauma they’ve experienced, the higher their risk. Some estimates show that up...
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Someone you love has been accused of a crime. You feel blindsided. They can always count on you but here you are completely unprepared! It makes you feel absolutely helpless. You are not alone. Even children are no stranger to the criminal justice system these days. A recent Rutgers University study revealed that 1 in...
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You’ve been arrested. What if your friends and family find out? You’re worried about being seen as a criminal. You already feel judged. And you’re right because the “Presumption of Innocence” is more of an idea than a reality, according to a Dubin Research and Consulting survey that found 77% of 1,261 jury-eligible citizens believe...
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As a criminal defense attorney, I know that when someone steps into my office it is usually one of the worst moments of their lives. They are confused, vulnerable, and afraid of the worst-case scenario. They have often been unexpectedly arrested or charged and now find themselves trapped in a legal process that can have...
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A spilt glass of whiskey.
In California a drunk night that ends in a sexual encounter can very well turn into lifetime sex offender registration and up to 8 years in prison. Many Californians are unaware of California Penal Code section 261 (a)(3), which reads: Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of...
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Think for yourself: before an officer shoots your son, should they consider less lethal alternatives? Should an officer only shoot if it is necessary? These are loaded questions at the root of a proposed bill in California, AB 931 which asks the legislature to change the current restriction on the use of deadly force from...
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  For over two years, Fresno County Jail has been working with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE. Fresno County Sheriff invited two ICE agents to work inside the jail reviewing the inmates’ backgrounds and criminal history to determine who did not have legal status. ICE was then free to deport these illegal citizens resulting...
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